The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Murad Acne Treatment Concealer

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  • 5

    I might have made my blemishes stick out more

    I tried this product when I was having a really bad breakout. I was embarrassed to leave the house, because makeup coverage would not do the breakout justice. I was desperate and just started trying the Murad line. I think that this product made the blemishes stick out more! I was not too impressed with this product, but it may have been because how advanced my breakout is. Or because I just have a skin type that is not particularly compatible with this product.
    britanyss | 25 reviews

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  • 9 Worst Concealers

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  • 2

    think it made me break out more!

    I used this a few times when I had acne to cover it and hopefully treat it. I found it wore off too quickly and my acne looked even redder after a few hours. An allergy perhaps?
    Saradancer | 28 reviews

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