The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Sephora 3-in-1 Extractor

12 Best & Worst Acne Products

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  • 8

    Pretty good

    Less swelling when you use this but it doesn't work on every blemish. It keeps things sanitary.
    alanna_maki | 10 reviews

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  • Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    skin care essential

    Everyone at one time or another gets an annoying blemish of some sort. This convenient,effective tool is great for safely getting rid of them. Tucked inside a zip up thick plastic pouch,this slim extractor is designed from high quality metal with a textured design for a firm grip & handling. Each side has a specially designed loop for quickly cleaning out the gunk that forms a blemish. If morer blemish is a little more severe,the blackhead end of the tool unscrews to reveal a pointed end that can gently pierce the blemish open & allow for draining, This is alot safer than other things people have used,such as xacto knives & even razor blades. Having this tool has helped me quit picking at my face,which actually helps the blemish heal even faster. Honestly I believe you cannot get a better value for your money.
    Iluvjoshgroban | 13 reviews

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