The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Stress Control Night Cleansing Pads

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  • 9

    An all time favorite!

    Here's another Acne Stress Control product from Neutrogena. I really love this whole line and these were great from nights I was feeling really lazy and didn't want to go through my whole face washing routine. They removed all my makeup and got all the dirt and gunk off my face with just one pad. And of course they smell amazing. These cleansing pads will run you about $7.
    vmporciello09 | 118 reviews

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  • Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 5


    These are your basic salicylic pads. They don't make much difference at all. You're better off getting the equate version for far less.
    barbieblondexo | 132 reviews

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