The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Wella Velvet Amplifier

Wella Velvet Amplifier

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  • 9

    Love it!

    Ooh, I like this! Smells heavenly, leaves my hair soft and manageable. What I like best is the volume it gives my hair. I'll be buying this product again!
    JoyAnne22 | 11 reviews

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  • 7

    Absolutely a MUST

    I used the velvet amplifier as a primer to straighten my hair with the Instyler and I must say it made my hair feel soft, manageable and it smells so0o pretty!! I then tested it to see if it is the velvet that was making my hair that way or if it was the shampoo I was using. WELL I tried to replace it with L'Anza Heat healing strength spray and that worked but it made my hair frizzy and didn't moree it smell that great. So0o in conclusion the velvet was what made the difference! Hope this review helps! Happy Styling!
    lea_mergola | 1 reviews

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    anna_lily | 25 reviews

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