The Fashion Spot Momtastic
La Prairie Cellular Power Serum

La Prairie Cellular Power Serum

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  • 5


    I am using this brand because I believe on there studies, combinations and ingredients i know expensive creams aren't all the ones who works better you can fiend others creams and have a first and a second line to fight age, pigmentation, dryness... I have la praire as my first line and 3 products from other brands that I am very happy too. This serum combined with a good moisturizer helps! With morethe serum itself I couldn't fell my skim so smooth :( also after you apply the serum and a moisturizer you should wait 20 min to apply the sunscreen so you can feel how your skim is reacting with this serum, my serum will be done in a month I will try another serum from la praire I am 36 years old and this serum it's not giving with my skin is expecting from a serum.
    Yoyo | 2 reviews

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  • 10

    So worth it

    This is a grate serum, the BEST serum i have used in my entire life (i'm 19). I love La Prairie, i've been using the Anti-aginig line for a while and it has helped my skin to keep it balance, acne free and just beautiful and glowing. I receive a sample of this serum and i would love to have the money to buy it 'cause i love it so much, it keeps the skin beautiful, helps to heal some zits faster, moreelps with acne marks, discolorations, fine lines, hydration. I recommend this product a lot, i really love it and enjoy used it a lot while it last.
    Kingkdiaz | 6 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  8 of 10 people said helpful

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