The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Golden Perfection Self-Tanning Lotion for Face

Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Golden Perfection Self-Tanning Lotion for Face

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  • 10


    it really works try it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    destiny_rose | 25 reviews

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  • 10

    does what promises

    I was reluctant to try another self tan...i have a full experience of yellow/orange looking face due to self tans/towelettes for face/brozers [looking silly] this one starts giving your face a nice,natural colour just an hour after you start using it. i love it for summer,when you need to freshen up your own tan for face,and winter to give a little colour to my pale complexion from time to time. more also love the smell [very summer-y] and always pair this with the compact bronze powder from estee.
    luxe | 22 reviews

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