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Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder

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    Makes You Look Naturally Gorgeous

    I went to Sephora one day with a list of stuff I wanted, and while I was in line, I saw the little sample size stuff, and an Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder was one of them. I swatched it just for fun, and it was so amazingly soft that I ran out of the line to the Hourglass counter and swatched all the colors. I chose Mood Light, which is a soft delicate pink that gives me a soft, natural, lit morerom within rosy glow to my fair skin. It is so natural, and works when I have full face of makeup or when I have less makeup on. Some days, when I don't feel like putting a bunch of stuff on but still want to look fresh, I dust this on my cheeks, nose, inner corners, brow bones, cupids bow, and chin, top it off with a little mascara, and I look healthy and glowy, but not over the top. It is a very soft powder, and does have some kick up. I would not recommend traveling with this, as it so soft that it could easily break. The packacing is so luxurious as well. And, while it is expensive, you get a lot of product, and a little goes a long way. It also is something you can use everyday. For those reasons, I think it is worth the $45. I plan on getting Dim Light when I have the extra cash, because I have become obsessed with strong and natural golden highlight. I also have dry skin, and this powder doesn't emphasize dry texture or patches or make me look powdery.
    harleyquinn13 | 107 reviews

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