The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Differin 0.1% Adapalene Treatment Gel

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    This toner contains alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), lactic acid, and willow bark extract, which help exfoliate, smooth skin texture, and clear clogged pores​
    MahiraDivans | 1 reviews

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    good for prevention, not a spot treatment

    This is a review for the over-the-counter version. I first got this as a tiny free sample, which I used as a spot treatment. I didn't like the way my skin healed after using this; it looked burnt where the pimples used to be. Since it is not meant to be a spot treatment, I decided to buy the full size and apply according to the directions. Differin does work. When I broke out, it was mostly more places I hadn't applied Differin, like the ears, hairline, body, etc. When used all over the face, my oily skin was still oily, but with some flakiness and peeling. The directions do warn you that it will be drying. I could use it as a spot treatment, but I don't like the way it leaves dark scars behind.
    kittymarmalade | 31 reviews

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