The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Burt's Bees Repair Serum

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  • 8


    This product lasts a very long time. I've had the same bottle for over a year now. It's too heavy to use during the day, but I like to apply it at night before bed - and it leaves me with a dewy glow in the morning. It has also helped me calm skin irritations with it's all-natural ingredients.
    WishfulMakeuping | 5 reviews

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    Not bad, not great

    I really love BB's products, and for the price ($18 for a tiny little vial) I guess I just had higher expectations because it really didn't do anything. I'm only 25, so maybe there's not too much to "repair" yet, but I have significant sun damage (sun spots, yuck) on my chest and shoulders, and it did nothing to diminish those. It did smell good though, and I'm sure it didn't hurt to use it.
    BrittanyMLP | 24 reviews

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