The Fashion Spot Momtastic

L'Oréal Paris Studio Out of Bed Texturizer

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  • 8


    I've bought lots of products in all price ranges and this is a great value for the money! Perfect for unruly hair, this product offers easy styling and control of fly-aways. I have naturally curly hair and live in an extremely humid area, so I did experience some frizziness by the end of the day, but still feel that this is a great second step product. When used after a smoother, but before a spray on Humidity Treatment, this product offers quick styling and good hold.
    bonblin | 1 reviews

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  • 8

    Good for short hair

    I have fine hair that is nautually wavy. It smells nice and if you use a small amount I like it. If you have medium hair you could use alot more to really piece it. I have used it on my damp hair and blow dryed too.
    Kellie_K | 5 reviews

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  • 12 Best Products for Curly Hair

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  • 9

    Great stuff!

    Very good texturizer!
    pompste | 43 reviews

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