The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Tresemme Tres Two Extra Hold Mousse

17 Best Hair Gels

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    LOVE IT!

    My hair is long and extremely thick. So readers, I do not if you have been through a Texas summer, but "my hair is frizzy" is the understatement of the century. After just one use, my hair actually stayed under control the whole day. It was love at first use.
    LilRocketeer | 3 reviews

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  • 15 Best Heat Styling Products

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    Great for beach waves - so pretty and something I haven't achieved before!

    First off, I have Asian, wavy hair, and it’s often unruly and frizzy. If I were to go to bed with wet hair and wake up in the morning, it looks absolutely terrible and especially when I’m lacking a haircut the unevenness of the strands are emphasized. With this product, I was looking for perfect beach waves, yet I didn’t want to commit my self to crimpers or wake up and take a chance with moretting my hair in rollers. So this product is extremely suited to me. It worked so well! What I did was put mousse in my hair when it was damp – not completely wet though – and then braided it with the mousse evenly distributed before bed. When I woke up, I had beautiful beach waves that I had always envied and thought unachievable for someone with my hair type! My hair is no longer frizzy, but smooth, smells good, and soft. It honestly looks like I crimped it with a big roller, yet there’s no heat damage. PS For smaller waves use multiple braids not one. For big waves, use one big braid. My only complaint with this product is that it tends to build up in hair; so if you’re used to washing your hair every other day …If you have dry hair this is common,…then you’ll need to wash it more! Also, I suspect that I am somewhat sensitive to the product. I usually don’t have any spots at all, but I’ve had a couple of pimples on my back – where my hair would hit and my hairline area. So make sure you test out this product on yourself before trying it before some major event where your skin’s quality would be important. As for me, I’m hoping my skin develops a tolerance to it = maybe = because I love the results!.
    cindy11052 | 5 reviews

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