Beauty Tips
Beauty Tips That Will Make Him MeltSee what guys really find sexy, then employ these hair, makeup and skin care tricks |
Tip 2: Exfoliate and shave "I find it the sexiest when I'm kissing a girl and I lightly brush my hand over her legs and her skin is super smooth. It's just the ultimate in femininity," says one guy. "There is this part on a woman's belly, just around her belly button and around her hips, that is so smooth that it just begs for my lips," another man claims.
Soft, touchable skin was the number one thing many of the men we talked to find sexiest, and the best way to get smooth, supple skin is by regularly removing rough, dead skin cells and prickly hair.
Here's how to get extra smooth skin:
Start by removing dry skin all over your body with a gentle, hydrating exfoliating body scrub like Sephora Body Scrub Tube, $16 which exfoliates, hydrates and has a sweet, subtle scent that Total Beauty reader's love. Next, move on to the most important part -- de-fuzzing. Choose a razor specifically designed for women's body as it will give you your closest shave to remove all stubble. Finally, after you've removed all unwanted hair and are just out of the hot shower, slather on an alcohol-free, unscented body lotion like Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion, $10.50 -- it will be the least likely to irritate your skin and cause unsightly, and "untouchable" bumps. If you do happen to get razor burn, a bit of deodorant applied to the area can help alleviate the symptoms.
SEE NEXT PAGE: Tip 3: Get regular bikini waxes
Soft, touchable skin was the number one thing many of the men we talked to find sexiest, and the best way to get smooth, supple skin is by regularly removing rough, dead skin cells and prickly hair.
Here's how to get extra smooth skin:
Start by removing dry skin all over your body with a gentle, hydrating exfoliating body scrub like Sephora Body Scrub Tube, $16 which exfoliates, hydrates and has a sweet, subtle scent that Total Beauty reader's love. Next, move on to the most important part -- de-fuzzing. Choose a razor specifically designed for women's body as it will give you your closest shave to remove all stubble. Finally, after you've removed all unwanted hair and are just out of the hot shower, slather on an alcohol-free, unscented body lotion like Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion, $10.50 -- it will be the least likely to irritate your skin and cause unsightly, and "untouchable" bumps. If you do happen to get razor burn, a bit of deodorant applied to the area can help alleviate the symptoms.
SEE NEXT PAGE: Tip 3: Get regular bikini waxes
Older comments
i will melt him
by LittleBunny Sunday, December 30, 2012 at 07:07PM Report as inappropriate
Nice info but I'm not going to wax anything and I probably won't do the hat either. But nice to know what they like!
by EricaC123 Wednesday, December 26, 2012 at 12:20PM Report as inappropriate
This was a nice article, but it contradicts some of what the other articles on here say.
by NillaButterfly Sunday, December 23, 2012 at 05:59PM Report as inappropriate
Interesting, but honestly not going to change anything about what I do.
by schien Friday, November 9, 2012 at 01:53PM Report as inappropriate
Very interesting.
by nicky22 Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at 12:03PM Report as inappropriate
Does anyone else think it's kind of funny that this article says guys like a girl in a baseball hat, and the "looks men hate" article says they don't? I'm pretty sure it's the same photo on both articles, too. ;) (Just goes to show that no advice is truly universal...)
by KarasuSparkle Sunday, September 30, 2012 at 09:07PM Report as inappropriate
I can only agree with a few of these tips. My advice ... never try too hard. Be yourself, and let YOUR real beauty shine through.
by robyne00 Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 02:01PM Report as inappropriate
not everyone can afford regular bikini waxes, a bikini wax can be as much as $50 from what I\'ve seen in colorado
by rachaellh13 Tuesday, August 28, 2012 at 03:36PM Report as inappropriate
wear a hat? Okay then.
by michellefuentes Friday, August 24, 2012 at 06:51PM Report as inappropriate
Somewhat informative
by T_rod93 Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 11:22AM Report as inappropriate