Beauty Tips
Beauty Tips That Will Make Him MeltSee what guys really find sexy, then employ these hair, makeup and skin care tricks |
Tip 3: Get regular bikini waxes Felling confident "down there," is very important to a lot of ladie's sexual self-confidence. "When I know all that 'business' is taken care of, I can just relax and have a good time [when we get intimate]. Which, of course, is all my husband really wants," says one woman. Lots of men we asked shared the "I just want her to be comfortable" sentiment: "whatever is going to make my girlfriend feel the sexiest, is what I want," says one devoted boyfriend.
A lot of women stated that a fast, albeit somewhat painful, way to make them feel sexy, is getting their bikini area waxed: "while getting your bikini area completely waxed is probably the most unreal pain a human being can ever endure in one's life (other than giving birth), it's not masochism that keeps me going back, but the complete stress-free confidence it gives me."
Not ready for such a hairless commitment? You aren't alone. Instead of waxing your bikini area, try Noxzema Bikini Shavers, $3.99 which are great for such a sensitive area and "never leave nicks or razor burn" says one reader.
SEE NEXT PAGE: Tip 4: Let him see your eyes
A lot of women stated that a fast, albeit somewhat painful, way to make them feel sexy, is getting their bikini area waxed: "while getting your bikini area completely waxed is probably the most unreal pain a human being can ever endure in one's life (other than giving birth), it's not masochism that keeps me going back, but the complete stress-free confidence it gives me."
Not ready for such a hairless commitment? You aren't alone. Instead of waxing your bikini area, try Noxzema Bikini Shavers, $3.99 which are great for such a sensitive area and "never leave nicks or razor burn" says one reader.
SEE NEXT PAGE: Tip 4: Let him see your eyes
Older comments
i will melt him
by LittleBunny Sunday, December 30, 2012 at 07:07PM Report as inappropriate
Nice info but I'm not going to wax anything and I probably won't do the hat either. But nice to know what they like!
by EricaC123 Wednesday, December 26, 2012 at 12:20PM Report as inappropriate
This was a nice article, but it contradicts some of what the other articles on here say.
by NillaButterfly Sunday, December 23, 2012 at 05:59PM Report as inappropriate
Interesting, but honestly not going to change anything about what I do.
by schien Friday, November 9, 2012 at 01:53PM Report as inappropriate
Very interesting.
by nicky22 Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at 12:03PM Report as inappropriate
Does anyone else think it's kind of funny that this article says guys like a girl in a baseball hat, and the "looks men hate" article says they don't? I'm pretty sure it's the same photo on both articles, too. ;) (Just goes to show that no advice is truly universal...)
by KarasuSparkle Sunday, September 30, 2012 at 09:07PM Report as inappropriate
I can only agree with a few of these tips. My advice ... never try too hard. Be yourself, and let YOUR real beauty shine through.
by robyne00 Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 02:01PM Report as inappropriate
not everyone can afford regular bikini waxes, a bikini wax can be as much as $50 from what I\'ve seen in colorado
by rachaellh13 Tuesday, August 28, 2012 at 03:36PM Report as inappropriate
wear a hat? Okay then.
by michellefuentes Friday, August 24, 2012 at 06:51PM Report as inappropriate
Somewhat informative
by T_rod93 Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 11:22AM Report as inappropriate