The Fashion Spot Momtastic


12 Best Acne Products for Your Clearest Skin Yet

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11 Best Tinted Moisturizers for Easy, On-the-Go Coverage

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Quick question: have you ever given more than 15 seconds of thought (total, in your entire lifetime) to the way you wash your hands? Or spritzed on your perfume? There are just some things you do so often, like brushing your teeth or slathering on sunscreen, your brain clicks over to cruise control -- you barely give these everyday routines a second thought. In fact, this is usually primetime for spacing out and thinking about things that really matter. Like ... what you're having for lunch. Most of the time, you're just going through the motions -- you wash your hair, put on your makeup, it's done, life rolls on.

But what if we told you that you've been doing these little daily rituals all wrong -- that certain everyday yet integral routines have been hardwired into your brain incorrectly. Like, showering. Or even the way you take off your makeup. The most basic beauty rituals are, apparently, not as mindless as you'd think. So consider this your wake-up call: find out what you've been doing all wrong and fix your bad habits now ... before your teeth fall out.
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