6 Ways to Keep Cellulite From Ruining Your SummerSuffering from cottage cheese thighs? You're not alone. See what you can (and can't) do about pesky cellulite |
Take a Spa Day Instead of stressing out over cellulite, treat yourself to a spa day. According to Bowe, massages can temporarily diminish the look of dimpled skin because they stimulate circulation and help remove excess fluid from the skin -- much like many cellulite creams, but a thousand times more relaxing. Massages also temporarily loosen the connective bands underneath your skin (the tennis racket strings) making the dimpling a little smoother. Check your local spas for medical massages or ones designed for cellulite reduction, or DIY a relaxing massage at home. Start small with Bliss FatGirlSoap Massage Bar, $19, a massager-soap hybrid that's formulated with caffeine and peppermint, or invest in a battery-powered product like Bliss FatGirlSlim Lean Machine, $145.