The Extra-Long PoopWhat It Looks Like: Ever look down at the toilet and wonder, 'How did that come out of me? This type of bowel movement is massive — it's large, long and may or may not take up most of the bowl. It may, in fact, be so large that you're oddly proud of it and may call someone into the bathroom to witness its sheer scale. Whatever you do, just don't Snapchat that sh*t — your followers can do without knowing you that well.
What It Means: "Congratulations," says Sheth. "If it's large, that just means it's a bulked-up stool and that's a reflection of your diet being very high in water and fiber." Likewise, Sheth says a large poop can indicate that you're getting regular exercise, which helps moves things downstream efficiently.
So go ahead, celebrate! You may even want to go out dancing now that you're lighter on your feet.
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