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Topless Painting of Angelina Jolie Post-Mastectomy Is Revealed

It'll be auctioned for charity ... and it's the price of a new car
Angelina Jolie has been very open about her medical choice to undergo a preventative double mastectomy. Since then, countless people have called Angelina a powerful role model, a courageous woman, even a hero -- especially breast cancer survivors who appreciate her candor about the taboo subject of invasive mastectomies. But this portrait, estimated to auction for $20K, reaches a whole new level of Angelina-worship.

Swedish artist Johan Andersson was inspired to paint Angelina's portrait because of his own personal connection to her experience. "My mother had aggressive breast cancer when I was 15, the thought my really scared me and she was fortunate enough to have surgery without the mastectomy," he explained in a statement to Art Below. "The recent news about Angelina stirred an anxiety within me leading me to paint this portrait. There is an underlying awkwardness in her demeanor in juxtaposition to the natural beauty of her face."

I wonder how Angelina feels about her imagined post-surgery/pre-reconstruction image being out there. Then again, the likeness is not so great (she opted for a nipple-saving surgery), and she's cast in an ethereal (read: flattering) and otherworldly light. I'm thinking a more realistic rendition would be more problematic and seem invasive of her privacy.

But here's the good part: The portrait's proceeds will be sent to Falling Whistles, an organization that campaigns for peace in the Congo. Angelina is known for her commitment to humanitarian causes, especially those of refugees, women and children, so the charity seems like a great choice.

What do you think of the portrait? Female-empowering-tasteful or privacy-invading-tacky?

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MAY 29, 2013 | SHARES
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