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The Most Famous Woman in the World Is Now a … Farmer?

And she's banking on the fact that you're going to want to buy her produce
The Farm
If I were a media mogul worth $2.7 billion dollars, an organic farm in Hawaii would be at the top of my wish list -- after a Chanel bag and one of those massive closets you see on "Cribs." Sure, it's not everybody's idea of a dream purchase, but when you have that kind of cash -- and love food -- why not?

Apparently, Oprah feels the same way. The June issue of "O" magazine features photos of Oprah's farm in Maui, and an article about what she's growing (100 species of fruits, vegetables, and herbs), and how she's growing it (organically, with the help of her friend and fitness coach, Bob Greene).

The question, then, is why? She says she wants to give back to the land. She also says she wants to help feed the people of Hawaii, where 90 percent of the food is flown in. But I have a feeling it's something even bigger.

I did some MacGyvering and came up with a hypothesis: Oprah's getting into the organic food business. You see, a year ago, she filed for the trademarks "Oprah's Organics" and "Oprah's Harvest." Anyone else smell an Oprah-ified version of Whole Foods?

To complement the "O" magazine story, ran a video of Oprah and Greene talking about the farm. (You can watch it here.) And Greene says it's only a matter of time before they "start selling" the produce they're growing -- and he doesn't limit that statement to selling the food in Hawaii.

If Oprah's selling, I'm buying. What about you? Would you shop at Oprah's Harvest?

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