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Clear Signs It's Time to Toss Your Makeup and Skin Care Products

How to tell when your products are past their prime.
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Makeup Brushes Have Lost Their Shape

We know, makeup brushes are an investment. Higher quality brushes typically last longer, but sometimes they do meet their end.

"When your makeup brush bristles won't go back to their original shape after cleaning, they shed all over your face or when they feel scratchy on the skin, it's time for new ones," Patinkin advises. "And sponges that get little pock marks in them or don't ever look clean after washing should be tossed and replaced."

Image via Imaxtree

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The Expiration Date Has Come and Gone

This may be obvious, but if your product's expiration date is past, then toss your product. Some products, usually those made with clean/green ingredients or less powerful preservatives, will note the exact date. Many others have a little jar symbol with a number next to it that indicates how many months it'll last once opened.

When in doubt, refer to the visual warning signs we outlined in the previous slides. Worst case? You have a great reason to buy something new for yourself!

Image via Imaxtree

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