Between Facetune and makeup artists who are almost as famous as their Hollywood counterparts, it's something of a shock that we ever see celebrities without a filter and a coat of foundation. But in good news for both societal progression and gossip lovers, the no makeup movement has taken off in recent years.
So, technically, marijuana beauty products can't get you high -- but they can still make you feel good. Though you might be wondering, without the high what are the benefits? Well, as fate would have it, hemp seed oil is packed with skin-loving components, like vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids to really make your skin glow. Plus, since it's a dry oil, it absorbs into the skin quickly without leaving behind a greasy residue or contributing to breakouts -- quite the opposite, in fact: Since it happens to be quite close to our skin's natural oils, it can actually help with sebum regulation, and by extension, breakouts.
Yeah, we've all been there: It's bright and early at 7:41 a.m., you've hit snooze twice and now you have to get out of bed to even have a chance of making it to your 9 a.m. meeting. Yikes. While you can rock an high pony and put on a tunic with leggings in a flash, finding something that's easy to eat and also healthy is a taller order. An especially concerning fact when you consider that your breakfast choices can make or break your entire day. This pivotal meal that your mom always warned you to never, ever skip is what revs up or slows down your metabolism for the other 23.5 hours of the day.
If you meditate, you know that an A-plus effort doesn't always lead to success. Even if you succeed in clearing your mind -- pushing away the concerns of your day, running through your mental to-do list -- your so-called meditation session may just turn into an accidental nap.
Those of us who have been in the beauty biz for a while know that you don't have to drop big bucks on quality beauty products. In fact, some of the best makeup, skin care, hair and body products are drugstore gems, and they've got the credentials to prove it. Case in point? These 34 award-winning beauty products that won't cost you more than $10. We'll give you a minute to contain your excitement.
Women are multi-taskers, which means we try to juggle everything from our careers and school to friends and family. And while a majority of the time we're total boss babes, managing all of that at once can be overwhelming. Translation: We're completely stressed out.
We can all benefit from a little inspiration from time to time. And sure, you could tape up powerful quotes on your mirror, but there are a few quotes so meaningful that they deserve to stick with you permanently.
Natural, organic, vegan ... these terms are no longer reserved just for the grocery store. The beauty industry is going green, with an ever-increasing number of brands now offering products that tout clean, chemical-free formulas. Celebs are getting in on the action too, with stars like Lena Dunham and Nina Dobrev speaking out about their affinity for natural beauty products.
Fact: White teeth make you look younger, healthier, more attractive, and more employable. Yes, really, employable, according to a recent survey conducted by Oral-B. (They're a little biased, sure, but would you hire someone with Pennsatucky's teeth?)
Anyone who has tasked themselves with organizing knows that you don't get from "determined" to "satisfied with life-changing results" without a lot of inner turmoil. Especially if you follow Marie Kondo's tips from her bestselling novel, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up." Thanks to a job that requires me to test out new beauty products (I know, it's rough), my product closet -- er, bathroom -- is bordering on a level that could get me on "Hoarders." So, I decided to put Kondo's tactics to the test. As she says in the book, "When you put your house in order, you put your affairs and your past in order, too." Such is the magic of tidying up. Here's how I (and my beauty product collection) fared.
Raise your hand if you love avocado toast. We thought so. Though this massive food trend has made its way onto most brunch menus by now, it's also incredibly easy to make at home. Whether eaten to start your day or as a healthy pre- or post-workout snack, avocado toast is great for pretty much any meal. Avocado toast packs a winning combination of carbs and healthy, monounsaturated fats (aka the ones that are good for your heart). Plus, they're chock-full of potassium, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids, which have extra benefits for your skin and hair. Even better, avocado toast is the perfect canvas for well, just about anything. There are tons of things you can add to your avocado toast to spice things up or make it more filling.
Scroll through your Instagram's "discover" feed and you're bound to thumb past numerous photos of adorable animals doing adorable things, countless makeup reviews, celebrities sharing bits of their world, and lots of millennial-aged Instagram stars. What you're less apt to see are the women who are two, or even three, times their age who are also teaching the world a thing or two about living a full and beautiful life. These gorgeous women, all over 60, are kicking butt at being themselves and giving us serious #grownupgoals.
As beauty editors, we're always trying to discover the best beauty tips, hairstyle trends, makeup how-tos and skin-care secrets. That means interviewing boatloads of industry experts who share exclusive beauty tips and secrets they've discovered over the years -- and we've created quite the list.
Healing crystals are having a serious moment right now. Celebrities like Lady Gaga, Adele and Kylie Jenner have all turned to crystals lately to center themselves or help find peace and well-being.
Being a woman is hard for so many reasons, but luckily with social media, you can find plenty of fellow feminists to commiserate with. Maybe they express these shared views through beautiful original art, or maybe they express it through screenshots of an angry Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope on "Parks and Recreation" -- but either way, it's a great way to find empowerment via solidarity. Heck, you can even consider it a great way to broaden your horizons, and find new aspects of feminism that you never even thought about before. When it comes right down to it, feminist Instagram accounts are everywhere -- and it's high time to start hitting that "follow" button.
Three-free polishes used to be the non-toxic nail world's darling. But now, these clean polishes, free from what's known as the "toxic trio," are being one-upped by nail polish brands that boast a list of banned ingredients anywhere from five to 10 ingredients long. But do you really need to cast aside your three-frees? Cosmetic chemist Arlette Forshage, founder of Hygieia Cosmedix, says no.
We're of the mindset that women can conquer anything (and we mean anything). But even the most badass among us could use an extra boost sometimes, whether you're recovering from a personal setback or charting new professional territory. And when you need to channel your inner strong girl, quotes about strong women can be remarkably effective -- especially when uttered by the most inspiring females on the planet.
March can be tough. Spring is on the horizon, but winter lingers on, and Seasonal Affective Disorder is at its worst. Enter: new beauty products that will boost your mood. We're highlighting 10 new beauty launches guaranteed to do just that. There's a divine smelling dry shampoo, body lotion in stick form and even manicure stickers printed with happy words. There's so much to love this March, and before you know it, it will be spring.
Who doesn't love a good girls'-night-in spa treatment? It's the ultimate way to relax and unwind while bonding with your best gal pals. And, let's face it: A DIY spa day costs way less than a trip to Burke Williams, and gives you complete control over the ambiance, the snacks and the agenda.
For us in the beauty biz, the Oscars are a bit like Christmas. It brings the celebs we love together and allows us a sneak peak at this year's hottest hair and makeup trends (while getting to relive some of our favorite movies of the year).