
My Beauty Life's resident makeup pro, Sage Maitri stopped by recently to respond to a bunch of Facebook fan-submitted questions. Today, Sage addresses a query from reader Siriluck Qyattlaender who wrote, "I have hooded eyelids. How should I…

They say bigger is better, and when it comes to ballerina buns, I would have to agree. It's not that I don't love the trendy topknots celebrities have been flaunting it's just that I need the voluminous structure in a BIG bun to even out my…

The fact that I'm testing "line fillers" bums me out (but that's a blog for a different day). However, the fact that I found one that seems to work cheers me up. So, it all evens out in the end. I've been reading about products that purport to…

The Product : M. STEVES RHSO POWER-PACKED ULTRA-NOURISHING BOOST The Price: $48 The Company Spiel: "Formulated for the modern woman to intensely hydrate and nourish skin, leave face feeling firmer, and enhance skin's radiance." The…

Why do people make such a big deal out of weather? It's really not that interesting. Check that. It's really supremely boring . It's cold, it's raining, it's hot. Whatever. Deal with it. Whining about it won't help. But, I'll tell you one…

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