
What did you do last Saturday? Me? I, with the help of my 8-year-old daughter, transformed our kitchen into a makeshift beauty factory and spent roughly five hours whipping up holiday treats for friends and faculty.Now, typically when you read the words "whip up" and "kitchen" in the same sentence you'd think there was some sort of cooking involved. Not this time. Our concoctions are not to be…

Sleigh bells and snowballs and mugs of good cheer are all fun things about winter -- the dry, cracked, often painful skin issues that come with it, are not.What's a girl to do when simply moisturizing no longer cures what ails you? Why, consult an expert of course. What? You don't happen to have one at your beck and call? Relax. We do. And, as an early holiday gift, we asked Dr. Anne Chapas , a…

Although being a beauty correspondent (and host of our Total Look Video series) is a glamorous job, it doesn't come without some pitfalls. Just ask Rebekah George. Well, actually, you don't have to, because we did. Here's how she stays looking so darn cute despite a super-hectic travel schedule.Q: You travel so much for work, how do you keep your skin from drying out on the plane? A: I never wear…

When I was 11, my mom bought me a bunch of skin products. A cleanser, a toner and a moisturizer --all of which were waiting for me when I got home from school one day. Then she sat me down and stressed the importance of having a good skin care regimen and taught me how to use each one.Then, when I was 16 and (finally!) allowed to wear (some) cosmetics, she did the same thing with eye makeup…

Where I live, flip-flops are a year-round staple. We wear them with everything: swimsuits, jeans, heck, even dresses. And no one gives us snotty looks because it's just part of the SoCal beach culture.This is a good thing because...I hate shoes. I know, it's virtually sacrilegious for a woman to say such a thing, but it's true. I mean, sure, they're pretty to look at, but they hurt my feet and…

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