
One of very few things in life that I think is more excruciating than having to listen to someone give a play by play of a dream they had the other night, is having to endure a litany of intended new year's resolutions. I mean, I may love you dearly but, please, spare me the pontificating and just DO whatever it is you're wanting to accomplish -- then I'll be impressed. Take these two girls at my…

By late December we've been inundated with "save your winter skin" articles. And, frankly, sometimes it's hard to weed out any nuggets of good information among the fluff. Over the years, however, I've gleaned a few grains of wisdom for getting (and keeping) my lips incredibly soft -- they never get chapped and are always supremely kiss-worthy. And, this being the gift-giving season, I'm going to…
Looking forward to loads of holiday cheer and revelry but dreading the toll that the food, drinks and late-night partying will take on your skin and body? Never fear, our host Rebekah consulted skin and fitness experts to uncover insider tips on how to enjoy all that this festive season has to offer without wreaking havoc on your beauty profile. After all, we want to kick off the New Year fit and…

Full disclosure: I am often guilty of gifting what I wish I were receiving. And, as a result, most of my close friends and family end up with oodles of beauty bounty under their trees. Here's a sneak peek at what I'm going to be getting thank you notes for this year. (If you want to know the other beauty bounty I'm busy wrapping up, you can see it here .) No. 1 Lush Christmas Star , $34.95 This…

Ever since Prince William and Kate Middleton announced their engagement I've been feeling downright plucky. While I'm not pulling a Madonna and calling the elevator a "lift" or anything that absurd, I have had a hankering for all things British. But, since a trip to Piccadilly Circus is not in the cards for me and mine at any time in the near future, I've been sublimating with all my favorite…

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