The Fashion Spot Momtastic
12 Best & Worst Acne Products

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  • 8

    Great Quality

    I think Dermalogica did a good job with this line. I don't have serious acne, just oily skin and blemishes. I don't need to use everything in this line, so I like the fact that I can mix acne products with oily skin products and get a specialized program for my skin. I think it takes a while for Dermalogicas products to really work - within 3-4 weeks you should see a difference. ALSO I find you moreve to use more of the product to see any results. For example, I increased the amount of break out control serum I used and I noticed a difference. Some things can not be used sparingly, otherwise they will take way too long to work. I also get better results using a wash cloth when removing the cleanser - my face feels cleaner.
    TaliasMom | 10 reviews

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  • 9

    This is not for sensitive skin!

    For the woman who was told to get this kit after being told she has sensitive skin: The person who advised you did not advise you properly. Someone with sensitive skin should not be layering acne treatments with salicylic and lactic acid over their skin in multiple layers. That is overlaod that will make your face freak! A gentle cleanser and toner combined with a spot treatment, clearing mask morece a week and a gentle enzyme exfoliant is what you really need. I'm sorry you had your experience, but please do not blame the product--blame the bad advice. Not everyone who has breakouts should be using kits for acne skin. Acne can be caused by a variety of issues and each person needs to have their particular needs addressed in order to find the right treatment course for them!
    redheadgoddess | 5 reviews

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  • 2

    Doesn't work, and expensive!

    I got my skincare kit at a salon, with recommendation for sensitive skin from someone who gave me a facial. I get occasional breakouts with blackheads. These products made my skin tingle like it was working, but then made my skin bright red, after the first use, and did not help my acne after one week of use. It cost me more than I would like to admit, and I would not recommend this to anyone.
    KimArcaro | 23 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  1 of 1 people said helpful

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