The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Dr. Denese Light Perfect Vitamin C Foundation

Dr. Denese Light Perfect Vitamin C Foundation

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  • 10

    Dr. denese light perfect vitamin C foundation

    A few times I ran out of this product and couldn't wait -- went out and bought other brands. People would ask me if I was sick! Love this -- goes on great - covers a lot -- very silky and smooth. I also feel that the shade does not have to be perfect. It blends in very well.
    kamrob8 | 4 reviews

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  • 10

    product quality

    This is the best foundation out there. Very dewy. Very light you don't know you have it on. It is awesome hope she never stops making it is all i use. Skin feels very moisturized all day and once i feel asleep in it and my skin was still moisturized. Excellent ingredients. Thanks Dr. Denese
    sparklegirl | 1 reviews

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    good product works well
    merri10 | 145 reviews

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