The Fashion Spot Momtastic

JOEY New York Quick Blackhead Dissolver And Pore Minimizer Gel

12 Best & Worst Acne Products

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  • 10

    The best

    The best I have ever used
    patricia_vicari | 1 reviews

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  • 1

    very disappointed!!

    This product did absolutely nothing to the pores or blackheads on my nose. I could have used water and got the same result!! It was the first and last time that I bought any JOEY products!!!!!
    jbilling | 56 reviews

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  • Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 8

    one of my favorites

    i started using this product at the begining of the year. i have a very oily t-zone and major blackheads on my nose. i saw visible results right away and use this product pretty regularly although it can cause dryness and irritation if you over do it. it directs you to rub off the serum but i think that makes the dryness worse so i leave it on overnight under my night cream and wash it off in moree morning which seems to do the trick. although im not 100% blackhead free its a great improvement.
    cncordova22 | 8 reviews

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