The Fashion Spot Momtastic

JOEY New York Correct-A-Line For Face Treatment

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  • 9

    help needed to find joey correct a line!!

    This product is the best for filling in and smoothing fine lines, but I can't find it for sale - has it been discontinued? Does anyone know of a comparable product if joey has discontinued?
    tutormom | 1 reviews

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  • 1


    I really did not like this. Its not for my sensitive skin. I bought this last winter hoping it would supply some much needed moisture, instead it made my skin feel tight and flake later. I didnt like it as a primer either made my makeup slide around.
    tealdiamondeyes | 17 reviews

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  • 10

    re: surprised

    I was very surprised this product actually worked as it said it would. Very light and the results a great. It gives a dewy glow. LOVE IT
    cloff3366 | 5 reviews

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