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PCA Skin pHaze 23 A&C Synergy Serum

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  • 9

    Wonderful for pigmentation

    A&C is great for old acne scars and uneven skin tone. In one application you can see your skin glowing overnight. The packing is the only down side- it does squirt out a lot at one time, just use the excess on your chest or hands. Will lasts you about 3 months of daily use. It also controls oil
    mmakeup | 10 reviews

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  • 9

    Makes my skin glow!

    I love the youthful, glowing affect this has on my skin. My only gripe is that it squirts out of the bottle fast and can be wasteful if you aren't prepared for it. I usually cup my hand and squirt it into my palm and use the fingertips of my other hand to apply it. That seems to work best for me. It really works to clear up acne and helps lighten existing scars. My best advice is to use a good mosturizer because even my oily skin became a little over-dried and flaky in the areas I applied it.
    Ashley1984 | 21 reviews

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  • 9

    PCA A&C Serum

    I've been using this serum twice a day under moisturizer for about 2 months now.. and my pours are definitely minimized. I have tried almost everything to gain that affect.. and this product worked! I like the smell & the texture.. it absorbs quickly. The only downside is that it squirts out too fast & can be messy. Instead of using the pump, I pull out the dropper & roll that across my cheeks. A little weird.. but I don't like wasting product.
    BaliBabi | 74 reviews

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