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PCA Skin pHaze 9 Purifying Mask

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  • 10

    PCA Skin pHaze 9 Purifying Mask

    Though this stuff is expensive compared to most products, it's totally worth it. The results I got from this more than warrant shelling out the extra$$. I went from uneven, nasty texture to gorgeous and glowing in less than a week! I've never used a single product that did this much for me.
    delcamino | 18 reviews

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  • 9

    So worth it!

    We love this pHaze 9 Purifying Mask from Scottsdale-based PCA Skin. The instructions say to use this treatment weekly but we find if once is good, daily is better. After using this Red Sea algae, French Clay based exfoliant on our neck daily for the last week we have seen a remarkable decrease in some nasty acne. We had a laser treatment at the Doctor's office that caused a massive breakout. morerushing, really. But only one week later this mask has left us with a new favorite brand. This mask will nourish rough, dull, dehydrated and stressed skin, and also help clear breakouts. Plus, the addition of micro fine pumice allows for the gentle exfoliation of impurities. Enjoy!
    Beautys_Spot | 50 reviews

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