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PHYTO Phytoaxil Fortifying Intensive Care With Patented Phytoactive Concentrate

PHYTO Phytoaxil Fortifying Intensive Care With Patented Phytoactive Concentrate

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  • 7

    It takes time

    Having used Phytoaxil for a couple of years now, I find that it does work. The area of hair loss/thinning has not increased and appears to have actually decreased in area. While not a cure all or magic potion, this product does appear to work, at least in my experience. It may not work for all. As with any product of this type, it will take time to see results. I chose to use the product for more5 years and decide at that time whether to continue with it or not. What I like most is that you only use it twice a year instead of daily or weekly. Therefore the cost per year is quite reasonable. So far I am happy with the results.
    Kashi1 | 1 reviews

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  • 1

    Not good

    This product is not worth the cost and doesn't work.
    rogue78 | 107 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  3 of 4 people said helpful

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