The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Dr. Brandt V-zone Neck Cream

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  • 1

    At this price - should see some results but sadly, nothing

    It makes the neck skin feel soft but not any softer then say Vaseline lotions that are much cheaper. Over-priced, doesn't live up to claims, doesn't tighten anything.
    bhfreebh | 20 reviews

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  • 2

    too $$$ and did nothing

    I tried this cream on allure's recommendation but it did basically nothing but lessen my pocketbook-don't bother
    kvenido | 1 reviews

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  • 2

    Not so impressed

    I was hoping this cream would tighten the skin on my neck (which is a bit loose due to weight loss) but after using an entire jar I haven't even seen temporary results. It does soften the skin but provides no other benefits that I can see and for the price that just isn't going to cut it. Won't be buying again!
    Qnyx67 | 23 reviews

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