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Dr. Denese Smart Concealer Compact For Eyes And Face

Dr. Denese Smart Concealer Compact For Eyes And Face

15 Best Concealers

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  • 9

    Works on its own or looks great combined w/powder

    On days when I don't wear much makeup this concealer covers dark circles all by itself. On days when I when I wear full coverage makeup I use this and layer foundation and powder over it and all the makeup wears smoothly and doesn't cake or settle into lines later in the day. I like the coverage and texture. I also love Dr. Denese SPF 30 Defense Day Creme.
    ChloeMaxwell | 5 reviews

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  • 10

    dr. denese smart consealer compact for eyes and face

    Worth every penny - lasts a long time. Excellent at coverage and smoothness when applying. One time I went to the Doctor's and did not wear make-up and the nurse asked me if I had 2 black eyes! I have never missed a day since!
    kamrob8 | 4 reviews

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  • 9 Worst Concealers

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 9

    stays in place!

    concealer is a good match for my skin type. I use it after the correction stick. Does not settle in the creases, will purchase again.
    jbonney | 2 reviews

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