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5 Easy Hacks for Getting Back in Shape After the Holidays

All these little changes'll add up!
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All fitness rules and diet restrictions tend to go out the window during holiday season. There just are so many potlucks to attend... plus, you're less likely to hit the gym because a) it's cold outside and b) you're traveling and visiting family and shopping for gifts and are generally all-around crazed. Now we're making our way into 2020, but it's still hard to get a handle on those New Year's resolutions (seriously, it's a real challenge to hit the gym after you've been a Christmas couch potato for weeks!). Never fear, though: There are simple ways you can get exercise — and the best part is, you don't even have to go to the gym!

Image via Imaxtree

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Do a simple indoor workout
Ease your way to working out again by doing simple indoor workouts. Because it's too cold to go outside, you can just do yoga, pilates, and other weight training in the comforts of your home. Try checking out some workout videos on YouTube to help you exercise alone.

Image via Eugenio Marongiu/Getty

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Enjoy some winter sports
Another thing you can do, is take advantage of the season with winter sports like ice skating. Did you know that an hour of ice skating can burn roughly 600 calories? The best part is, it's so fun that it won't even feel like exercise!

Image via Westend61/Getty

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Park far away
It's a smart little life hack you can do every time you shop, visit a friend, or go anywhere. Most of the time, the goal is to park as close as possible... however, if you want to get physical for a few minutes, you can park five minutes away from the destination and get a mini little brisk walk in.

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Walk around the mall
Probably the best way to exercise after the holiday! Who doesn't love walking around the mall? The only downside is that it might hurt your wallet a bit. When going to the mall, be sure take a full lap around the establishment — it's a great way to hit your daily 10,000 steps without having to go out into the freezing cold.

Image via Witthaya Prasongsin/EyeEm/Getty

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